Monday, October 31, 2005

"Evet-Ja" in Turkish Press & TV

Turkish press and TV companies are paying attention the documentary "Evet-Ja". Recent days, Evet-Ja was in some national newspapers and TV stations...

Sabah Newspaper:

TV8 Channel:

Program: TV8'de Bu Sabah

Director & Writer Gokhan Yorgancigil on a TV conversation. : Türk-Alman evlilikleri belgesel oldu

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Evet-Ja (English)

"A look inside the German-Turkish marriages in Germany"

Main Topics of the Documentary

1. Germans and Turks
2. German-Turkish marriages (Intro)
3. Family and society response to German-Turkish marriages
4. The Turkish image in Germany
5. Turkish workers in Germany. A short history. Germany in the 60's. Workforce emigration.
6. Two different cultures. Parallel lives. The formation of parallel worlds.
7. 2nd and 3rd generation Turks in Germany.
8. Education, integration and adaptation problems)
9. Where the German and Turkish governments late or failed to act
10. How the main cultural differences affect the marriages.
11. How the religious differences affect the marriages.
12. How the language differences affect the marriages.
13. German-Turkish couples and their children...
14. Summary and Conclusions.

The shooting of the documentary took place on location in Frankfurt, Darmstadt, Mannheim, Heidelberg and Berlin of Germany. Later into the production two days of shooting took place in Istanbul, Turkey. Interviews were conducted with both German and Turkish couples, sociologists, marriage counsellers and lawyers. We then proceeded with scriptwriting combining the information we gathered through our documentation work with the interviews we conducted.

The documentary is shot digitally in High Definition (HD; 1920x1080 resolution). Upon request the tapes will be converted to other standarts and made ready for airing.

Duration: 40 Minutes
Language: Turkish/German with accompanying subtitles

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Evet-Ja (Deutsch)


“Ein Blick auf Türkisch-Deutsche Ehen in Deutschland“

Themenüberschriften der Dokumentation:

Deutsche und Türken
Türkisch-Deutsche Ehen (Einleitung)
Reaktionen von Familie und Umfeld auf Türkisch-Deutsche Ehen
Das Image der Türken in Deutschland
Türkische Arbeiter in Deutschland. Kurze Chronologie. Deutschland in den Sechzigern. Arbeitskraft Wanderung.
Zwei verschiedene Kulturen. Parallele Leben. Entstehung paralleler Welten.
Zweite und Dritte Generationen Türken in Deutschland
Das Problem Bildung-Integration. Das Anpassungsproblem.
Versäumte Themen des Deutschen und Türkischen Staates
Wie wirken sich kulturelle Unterschiede auf die Ehen aus
Wie wirken sich religiöse Unterschiede auf die Ehen aus
Sprache, Bilingualität. Was für eine Wirkung hat das Sprachproblem.
Deutsch-Türkische Ehepaare und ihre Kinder
Zusammenfassung und Resultat

Die Aufnahmen wurden binnen 15 Tagen in den Städten Frankfurt, Darmstadt, Mannheim, Heidelberg und Berlin gemacht. Danach wurden noch zwei Tage Aufnahmen in Istanbul gemacht. Im Zusammenhang mit den obigen Themenüberschriften wurden sowohl mit Türkischen als auch mit Deutschen Ehepaaren, Soziologen, Experten von Eheberatungsinstitutionen und Juristen Reportagen gemacht. Wir haben die Resultate unserer Dokumentationsarbeit und die Reportagen redigiert und so den Text realisiert.

Die Dokumentation wurde digital im High Definition (HD, 1920X1080 Auflösung) Format aufgenommen. Auf Wunsch kann das Format für die Sendung entsprechend transformiert werden.

Dauer: 40 Minuten
Sprache: Türkisch / Deutsch

Photos From The Documentary: Evet-Ja

Evet-Ja, A Brief Look: Turkish-German Marriages

1961, the beginning. German-Turkish workforce agreement signed.

Prof.Dr. Edibe Sözen: Turks in Germany: Ottomans in Europe?

Turks and Germans can be happy together? Professor Ulvi Arslan and his German wife Gudrun, living in Darmstadt, Germany.

Ahmet & Margit Kaplan couple, talking about integration of Turkish people.

Yesim; Turkish father, German mother, living in Dramstadt Germany. "I have to solve a lot of problems about the two culture."

Third Turkish generation in Germany

German flag above the parliament buildig in Berlin

Monday, October 24, 2005

Evet-Ja (Turkce)

Almanya'daki Türk-Alman Evliliklerine Kısa Bir Bakış

Belgeselin konu başlıkları:

Almanlar ve Türkler
Türk alman evlilikleri (giriş)
Türk-Alman evliliklerine aile-çevre tepkisi
Almanya'da Türk imajı
Almanya’da Türk işçiler. Kısa tarihçe. 1960 Almanyası. İşgücü göçü.
İki farklı kültür. Paralel yaşamlar. Paralel dünyaların oluşumu.
Almanya’da 2. ve 3.nesil Türkler.
Eğitim-entegrasyon sorunu. Uyum problemleri
Alman devletinin eksik ve geç kaldığı konular.
İki kültür arasındaki temel farklar evliliğe nasıl yansıyor?
Din farklılığı nasıl etkiliyor?
Dil, çift dillilik. Dil sorunu nasıl etkiliyor?
Alman-Türk çiftler ve çocukları...

Özet ve Sonuç.
Belgeselin çekimleri 15 gün boyunca Almanya'nın Frankfurt, Darmstadt, Mannheim, Heidelberg ve Berlin şehirlerinde gerçekleştirildi. Daha sonra Türkiye'de İstanbul'da iki gün çekim yapıldı. Yukarıdaki konu başlıklarıyla ilgili olarak hem Türk hem Alman, çiftlerle, sosyologlarla, evlilik danışmanlığı hizmeti veren sivil toplum kuruluşu yetkilileriyle ve hukukçularla ropörtaj yapıldı. Dökümantasyon çalışmalarımız sonucu elde ettiğimiz bilgileri röportajlarla birleştirerek metin yazımını gerçekleştirdik.

Belgesel dijital olarak High Definiton (HD; 1920x1080çözünürlük) formatında çekildi. Talebe göre bu formattan transformasyon yapılarak sunuma hazır hale getirilecek.

Süresi: 40 dakika
Dili: Türkçe / Almanca